

Travel Agency ‘MKR Reisen’

  • A reference in the field of Sonstige Referenzen Deutschland

Following the recommendation of a staff member, Thomas Gerung, the founder and owner of the MKR Reisen travel agency decided to give GRANDER® a try in May 2019. In the meantime, water revitalization has become a fixture of his home, his holiday domicile, and the travel agency.


Klipps Water World

  • A reference in the field of Sonstige Referenzen Deutschland

A fireworks display with water, light and music.  Klipp's Water World in Klipphausen near Dresden demonstrates the topic of "water, the craziest liquid between heaven and earth" in an artistic manner.


Hotline 00 800 000 20335

Free phone international service number for calls from AT, DE (Landline, mobile), IT (Landline), CH (Landline), ES (Landline), FR (Landline)


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