

Water in Its Most Beautiful Form

A droplet of GRANDER water serves as a model for a hexagon decorated with Swarovski crystals

Water in Its Most Beautiful Form (c) Birgit Schwaighofer
At the Center for Water Crystal Photography in Merano, Italy, Dr. Rainer Niederkofler analyzes water under a microscope. Time and again, he sees that water crystals are differently shaped depending on the water’s quality. He creates unique pictures using the method of water crystal photography that he developed himself. His pictures also include a GRANDER® water droplet in all its uniqueness and harmony ...

The water crystal photographer from South Tyrol applies his special method of photography to various fields of work. Among other things, he examines the vitality of drinking water and proves the effects of water revitalization by taking before-and-after photos.

On the occasion of the 40-year company anniversary of GRANDER, Rainer Niederkofler examined a droplet of GRANDER water under his microscope, took a picture of it, and decorated the photo with precious Swarovski crystals.

A breathtaking picture of a water-droplet crystal was the result. ‘You can clearly see the orderly structure of GRANDER water. Water that is in harmony forms beautiful crystals,’ says Rainer Niederkofler, who holds a Master of Radonic Arts in addition to a certificate in natural healing and a degree in business administration.

The form of the crystals says a lot about the water quality. An orderly structure indicates a very high water quality and lets beneficial microorganisms thrive, which help clean the water and maintain its balance. This means that a healthy microbiological setup improves and conserves the water’s self-cleaning properties.

GRANDER restores the universal power of water

GRANDER water revitalization restores the properties water has before it is pumped through long pipes, heated, cooled, and exposed to many external stress factors: naturalness, power, and vitality.

Water coming to surface at an untouched spring is full of life and energy. It is only the long transport that makes the water lose its structure. GRANDER reinstates the inner structure and order of water, turning it back into a habitat for vital, healthy microorganisms boosting the water’s self-cleaning properties. This way, GRANDER water revitalization restores the universal power of water. Water is a living system and therefore possesses the capacity to regenerate.

High-quality water full of energy is characterized by its stability. Only water affected by external stress factors often turns stale and goes bad after only a few days. Revitalized water, on the other hand, remains pristine and stable for weeks and months. ORIGINAL GRANDER BLUE WATER, for example, stays fresh and suitable for drinking for at least four years even though it is bottled without using additives or conventional preservation methods.

Natural process – powerful and far-reaching effects

Water revitalized with the GRANDER method tastes better and has a finer and softer texture. It is more pleasant to drink, and therefore, you automatically consume more water, which in turn contributes to your well-being. GRANDER water revitalization offers significant benefits to everyone eager to revitalize all aspects of their every-day life – from a tasty cup of coffee and a revitalizing shower in the morning to produce and food that has a more refined and genuine taste thanks to GRANDER, and a pleasant indoor atmosphere at home with lower expenses for heating and cooling. Also animals and plants and, ultimately, the whole environment benefit from water revitalization. In revitalized water, lime particles usually stay in the water flow and do not form deposits. As a result, pipes and waterlines clog less frequently. This effect can also be seen in the bathroom and kitchen, where lime deposits are significantly easier to remove from surfaces. This helps saving cleaning agents and protecting the environment.

Science and phenomenology

Not only scientists but also many artists, photographers, and musicians work with water and explore phenomena, characteristics, and occurrences expressing the refreshing diversity of water, highlighting the never-ending fascination of investigating a medium through the lens of a multitude of disciplines.

Theory and practice have painted the picture that we have of water, but it is the arts and phenomenology that add the finishing touches and create a visualization with healing effects.


>>Theoretical foundations of GRANDER water revitalization scientifically proven

>>Water crystal photography – a very special glance at water through the lens of a microscope

>>The effects of GRANDER water revitalization

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