

Product of the Month of October: GRANDER Energy Rod Circulation Double

For still water, wells, reservoirs, pools, ponds

The GRANDER® Energy Rod Circulation Double is the ideal solution for revitalizing open systems. It is particularly suitable for use in cooling circuits, where it revitalizes cooling and process water.

The GRANDER Energy Rod Circulation Double is mainly used by industrial customers. The device improves and stabilizes the microbiological quality of cooling and process water in industrial plants. As an additional perk, the use of GRANDER reduces the amount of chemical agents needed.

Did you know?

  • The GRANDER Energy Rod Circulation Double is available in two sizes – a larger one and a smaller one. This means that GRANDER has the right fit for every system.
  • The devices are made of acid-resistant V4A stainless steel.
  • A two-year warranty applies to GRANDER Energy Rod Circulation Double devices that are professionally and properly installed by an authorized plumber. Moreover, a five-year warranty applies to the material and workmanship.
  • Devices are fully refundable for three months from the purchase date (exceptions apply to the WFL38 and to products that are damaged, e.g. that have visible scratches or dents).


Click >>here to find out more about our selection of GRANDER Energy Rod Circulation Doubles.

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