
Dr. Pfaller's medical office in Frasdorf

The GRANDER Drinking Fountain offers enjoyment every day

In her medical office Dr. Christine Pfaller offers not only medical services in the field of general medicine. The office is also focused on holistic medicine, neurodermatitis and osteoporosis.

Besides offering advice and treatment for all matters in the field of general medicince, it is Dr. Pfaller's goal to obtain a holistic view on her patients' illnesses.

Roughly two months ago Dr. Pfaller installed a second GRANDER Drinking Fountain in her office and tells us about her experiences with GRANDER.

"After attending a GRANDER presentation I was convinced of the benefits of water revitalization and decided to try it for myself. Since 1998 I have been working with GRANDER in one of my 2 offices (focused on naturopathy) and for my offices' 30th anniversary I decided to install another GRANDER Drinking Fountain in my other office (focused on general medicine).

My patients enjoy drinking revitalized water and also my husband's students (Chiemgau learn-institute) frequently ask for it. My staff and I value the fine taste of revitalized water and we enjoy using the drinking fountain on a daily basis. Moreover, our plants seem to be very grateful to be watered with GRANDER Water - their strength and vitality are particularly outstanding."



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