
Janusz-Korczak School in Dresden drinks GRANDER revitalized water

Pupils and staff are drinking more water now!

Readers' letter from the headmaster of the Janusz-Korczak-Schule Dresden about the added value of the animated water ...

"For a long time, I have been working intensively on the topic of water and the various water qualities, and the search for "healthy water" was a priority for me, despite the various offers and ideas in which the water was praised in high quality, none of these could convince me.

In talks with another headmaster, who is a friend of mine, we discussed GRANDER water revitalization.  In "his school" the water has been refined with the GRANDER revitalization technology for a long time now.  The opportunity to revitalize water with new energy and to obtain fresh, healthy water from original water aroused my curiosity.

I tasted the water in this school myself and noticed that it actually tasted better.  In addition, there was a more balanced basic mood from the observations among the pupils.  This convinced me to revitalize the water in our school too, according to the GRANDER method, and to offer it to our pupils and staff as well.

We have been using the GRANDER water since about 2016 and I am delighted that I can underline the observations I experienced at the other school.  Our children and young people, as well as our staff, now drink more than before and feel more comfortable.

Every morning, when I go to school, students and co-workers stand at the drinking fountain and fill their bottles and glasses.  Sometimes even smaller line-ups form at the fountain.

When I see this, I have to smile, but I am particularly happy that we have made the right decision for our school to do something good for people in our building.  I can only thank GRANDER for this."

With kind regards,

Tilo Michael

(Headmaster of the Janusz-Korczak School in Dresden)


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