
Cheese Dairy Stadelmann AG, Nesslau - Welcome to the valley of the seven mountains and endless green pastures!

Various cheese products made from top-quality, silage-free milk of Obertoggenburg

Stadelmann Nesslau Family Stadelmann, Nesslau Stadelmann Nesslau
Various cheese products made of top-quality, silage-free milk from Obertoggenburg! In addition, the marketed cheese and milk products are produced with milk from Toggenburg, thus eliminating long, senseless and environmentally damaging transport.  Therefore, the Cheese Dairy Stadelmann AG can stand behind their products, since their origin is known!

The Cheese Dairy Stadelmann AG in Nesslau has been awarded with three gold medals for the Appenzeller Surchoix, the Toggenburger Mild as well as the Toggenburger Rustico.  Receiving these awards means one thing to Hans Stadelmann.  While you can't market these gold medals, they are confirmation for him and his team that they are on the right path with their products.

Since the installation of the GRANDER water revitalisation technology in 2011, the cleaning agents in the CIP machine could be reduced by 30 - 40%.  The alkaline solution was reduced from 2% to 1.3%-1.4% and the acidic cleaner could be decreased from 2% to 1.5%.  This results in significant savings.  Mr. Stadelmann is also very satisified with GRANDER water revitalisation in his private home:  they drink much more tap water than before, and there is hardly a need for sweet beverages any more in their household.  He leaves home with water bottles filled with tap water to take along on his delivery route, and automatically consumes more water.  The Stadelmann family has noticed far less calcification on the faucets, as well as softer water in their home and swimming pool.


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