With Video: RAPUNZEL Naturkost
Revitalizing with GRANDER since 2011
- A reference in the field of Lebensmittelherstellung Deutschland
One year after founding the community, the two pioneers Joseph Wilhelm and Jennifer Vermeulen opened their first natural foods store in Augsburg, Germany, and got into business with farmers in Italy and Turkey. By 1977, they delivered their foods to customers across Germany. In 1985, the ever-growing company moved to Legau in the Allgäu region, where the company is headquartered to this day.
Joseph Wilhelm maintains that the excellent water quality figured high among his reasons to move the company to the Allgäu region. In his search for high-quality raw materials, he also came across GRANDER water revitalization.
He first installed GRANDER water revitalization at his home in order to test its effect and found that the water always passed the test in blind tastings. Seeing the beneficial impact on his family and himself, he wanted his employees to be able to enjoy it as well. In 2011, a GRANDER drinking fountain was installed in the company’s cafeteria called Casino. At the Casino, all employees can choose from a varied organic breakfast menu as well as freshly made organic lunches. Since the introduction of GRANDER, patrons drink more water and report that it tastes better.
Based on the employees’ positive reception and feedback, another investment decision was made: water revitalized by GRANDER now runs through the pipes of all administrative and production facilities.
‘I do not believe that this is mumbo jumbo. The GRANDER concept is truly sustainable. And it only requires a small investment. For more than ten years now, the GRANDER system has never once needed maintenance,’ Joseph Wilhelm says.
Learn more in the video: